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charles |
Enough sleep FOOTPRINTS__.
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Sunday, December 04, 2011
National Service - An enforced obligation that every Singaporean son must go through. They are made up of different races,different religions many difference but go through the same shit.Love Life For single(as at enlistment) - these people are the "luckier" one Every soldier goes through shit Basic Military Training for the first few months in an island across the mainland (cept Mono intake).Try spending 2 months in an island with just guy dudes with only little(considering weekends bookout)or no interactions with the opposite sex. POP is not the end of the tunnel btw. After which, you will continue this social lifestyle for the rest of the NS term and then again, you will be constricted to the same exact social circle as how you were before enlistment. That's how NSFs become foreveralone. Besides who in the right mind wants to date a NS ah boy with only 8 available days per month. BUT at least you wont face any failure in relationships since you're not even close to it. TRUST ME, it's much better to be single. For those attached Grats! you're not foreveralone! but good luck in sustaining this mentally straining relationship. While you're serving the nation on the weekdays Your GF schedule would prolly be like (not to even mention weekend duties) Mon- available Tue- available Wed- available Thu- available Fri- available Sat- attached Sun- attached so what do girls do on weekdays while their significant others are protecting the nation? God knows! and even if other guys are bold enough to pursue your lady, you will prolly be kept in the dark until the breakup comes. Why girls will conveniently pick other guys over NSFs. People may say; oh if she really loves you, she wont cheat on you..at least you know it now than later. its very unfair..guys shed tears and blood to protect their loved ones, yet their beloved girlfriend cheats on them. Factors why they cheat on you they prolly need : - ALOT of attention even on weekdays. - someone to chat on the phone with (inc. weekdays) - financial "sponsorship" from the guy - someone to spend special occasions with(REAL IMPORTANT) - someone with NOT JUST A CREWCUT HAIRSTYLE
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Life have been treating me well recently,thankfully.but the more i enjoy the benefit, the more paranoid i'll be for losing them. there's a chance of returnin back to infantry life..and tts the reason why im paranoid. anw am turning 21 within days..darn! feel so old.but its okay..we're all gettiin old together. :D quote of the day "Sadness exist only when you're deprive of something you used to have." -Me
Thursday, February 17, 2011
yes blogger..i am ignoring you.BLEH!!!!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
LOLthis is totally hilarious oh no~!! tml's gonna be the start of a new NS life.crap.life sucks.fml.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
self esteem is something that ive yet to acquired.perhaps i need long numerical figures in my bank book as a form of esteem booster. everytime when im in competition with some idiotic love rival or watever. i'll usually back off. because i know im nthng but a poor chap.FML. most of the time pretty girls are seen with rich ugly guys. however, recently i've been seein a turn-around, situations whereby pretty girls still walkin out from a rich decent guy.. THATS BECUZ IVE BEEN WATCHING HK DRAMAS!!! they're all bullshit! FML! anw just ranting...since i cant do anth abt gettin rich now.as im serving my NS term. the only way possible now wud be lottery. ok,lets pray for a stay out vocation then! more time outside=more chance of buyin lottery=more chance to strike YAY! oh no, bad traits found - chao gambler how i wish my name has the word huat inside....NOT!! omg.such an obiang name and besides. imagine having a huat in my name and ppl starting callin me 發哥!發哥!發哥!發哥! or if i happen to be a king. 發King! 發King! 發King! 發 you man! such a mean thing to do to a child! giving him such name.
Monday, January 10, 2011
lYAY!!! POP lo!!im NOT a chao recruit anymore..imma private lo!!! means no more si botak!! anw, after comin back from the Island called Pulau Tekong and back to civilian life(temporary) i've realise something. ![]() YAY!!! lets welcome foreigners!!! woohoo!!! |